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nature worship 自然崇拜。


Rock painting , structure & function of funeral and marriage , nature worship , totem worship & ancestor worship and shamanism . furtherly , analyze the cultural structure of render ewenki people0 the 4th chapter is conclusion , i express my own view on how to preserve tradition or culture based on clan organization and it ' s transition theoretical study 第三章從語言、婚姻文化、喪葬文化、口頭文學與藝術以及他們的動植物崇拜直至薩滿教的結構、功能、特點等對馴鹿鄂溫克人帶有濃厚民族特點的精神文化進行了分析和論述。

Due to the concept of nature worship shared by confucianism , buddhism , taoism and fengshui , and the common demand of geographical environment , fengshui exercises a deep influence upon the site selection and layout of academy of classical learning , buddhist temple and taoist temple that embody their respective cultures 摘要儒釋道與風水之間崇尚自然的理念和共同的地理環境需求使儒釋道三家的精神文化載體書院寺觀在建筑選址和布局上打下了深深的風水烙印。

Laozi and zhuangzi had reinterpreted the ancient nature worship and esoteric arts , but they crept back into the tradition as ways of using knowledge of the dao to enhance and prolong life 老子和莊子重新解釋了古代的自然崇拜和深奧的藝術,但他們都避免了傳統手段作為使用道的知識去增強和延長壽命。

Those deprived of discrimination by various desires impelled by their particular natures worship the lesser demigods adapting to the applicable rites and rituals 受其特定的本性驅使,由于各種欲望作祟而喪失了辨別力的人,皈依低一等的半人神并舉行各種祭拜儀式。